The Pros and Cons of Working Through Freelancing Platforms

Brad Bartlett
7 min readJan 5, 2023

Can you really launch your freelance writing for sites like Fiverr and UpWork? Absolutely — with the right goals and expectations.

Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash

If you took a poll of current freelance writers, you’d likely find that many encourage you to seek out your first freelance clients the tried-and-true way: cold pitches, networking, and referrals.

For many, jumping over those steps by working through an online platform that connects clients with freelancers (in exchange for a commission fee) is anathema.

As I wrote previously, my career as a freelance writer started out unexpectedly. I wasn’t looking to jump ship from my full-time job — only to add an extra few bucks a month to help the rising costs of daycare and living in the city.

So when I started looking for ways to sell my writing services online, I looked online to see what others were doing.

Lo and behold, some of the top results were gig pages for writers on sites such as Upwork and Fiverr.

These platforms offered something unique and different from the traditional methods I had heard of.

They offered a place for me to showcase my writing services and start building a client base quickly. Even more, they hosted my profile, handled the payments in an escrow…



Brad Bartlett

Professional Freelance Copywriter. ( Musings on #freelancing, #productivity, #self-development, and more!