The 5 Best Steps to Take on Sunday to Prepare Yourself for the Week
Feel yourself overwhelmed before the week’s even begun? Here’s five tips I use to stay ahead of the game each Sunday.
Oh, Sunday, you beautiful monster.
You give us hope for a new week while also haunting us with the knowledge that the previous one has come to an end.
You are a day of rest — but also a day of preparation. A day to recuperate from the week's exhaustion before and gear up for the even busier one ahead.
Do you find yourself plagued by a never-ending case of the Sunday scaries? Feeling like you can never quite get it all done and end up starting your week frazzled, stressed, and already behind?
If you are like me — and find yourself in this predicament far too often — then let me share with you the five steps I take every Sunday to help prepare myself (and my mind) for a productive, successful week ahead.
Tip #1: Reflect with Gratitude
The first step is to take a moment to reflect on the week that has passed. What went well? What could have gone better?
What are you grateful for? This allows you to close the door on the previous week and set your intention for the one ahead.
By adding gratitude to the reflection process, you can focus on the positive aspects of your week and let go of any negativity.
Plus, you’ll start your week with a heart full of thanks which will inevitably lead to more happiness and productivity.
Tip #2: Schedule Some “You” Time
It can be all too easy to let your personal life fall by the wayside when you’re busy with work and other obligations.
But if you don’t make time for yourself, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and burned out.
So, on Sunday, take a look at your schedule and make sure to include some “you” time. (It may even be on Sunday itself!)
For me, I try to plan something that will bring joy without adding to my stress levels.
It could be something as simple as reading a book, taking a nature walk, or having coffee or beer with a friend.
Do whatever brings you happiness and peace — we all need a little of that in our lives!
Tip #3: Do a Brain Dump
A brain dump is when you take all the thoughts and ideas swirling around in your head and get them down on paper.
The goal is to get everything out of your head and into a format that you can refer to later.
This can be helpful when you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.
Get a notebook or open up a document on your computer and just start writing a list of every single thing you need or want to do. It may be as short as a few lines or may take up multiple pages.
Don’t worry about organizing everything. Just get it all down. Once it’s out of your head, you can start to organize and prioritize. The goal here is to release the mental clutter so you can focus on what’s important.
Tip #4: Set Your Intentions
The last step is to take a moment to think about your intentions for the week ahead. What do you want to accomplish?
What kind of person do you want to be? How do you want to feel?
By setting your intention for the week, you’re more likely to be mindful of your actions and make choices that align with your goal.
Intentions are funny creatures — sometimes, they manifest in ways you could never have imagined. But if you take the time to set them, I promise you’ll be amazed at what can happen.
Here are a few of mine from the past:
- I want to be more patient with routine things — from waiting in line to dealing with technical difficulties.
- I want to focus on being present and enjoying the moment rather than letting my mind wander to what’s next on the never-ending to-do list.
- I want to cultivate more joy and happiness in my daily routine.
- I want to be more present in my relationships, especially with my sons.
Tip #5: Map It All Out
This is my favorite step in the process. What’s better than a map to a buried treasure? (Even if that treasure is simply 5 PM Friday afternoon).
Get out your notebook or open up that document on your computer again and start mapping out your week. It’s time to bring everything from Tips 1–4 together and get organized!
Start by looking at your calendar and adding in any appointments, deadlines, or other obligations.
Then, take a look at your brain dump (from Tip 3) and start adding in those tasks. Next, refer to your intentions (from Tip 4) and add anything else you’d like to accomplish or focus on for the week.
Finally, review your schedule and make sure you’ve included that “you” time!
Once you have everything mapped out, take a step back and look at the big picture. Does anything need to be rearranged? Are there any tasks that can be delegated or eliminated? Now is the time to make any final adjustments.
Here’s a bonus tip: Don’t forget to add a few “warnings” to your map — a “do NOT do” list of sorts. This could be things like “do not check work email after hours” or “do not skip breakfast.”
These warnings help to keep you on track and avoid any potential roadblocks.
Good Luck This Week!
So there you have it, five tips to help you make the most of your Sunday and set yourself up for a successful week ahead.
So, there you have it! Five simple but effective tips to help you make the most of your Sunday and set yourself up for a successful week ahead. Try them out and see how they work for you.
(And if you have any other tips to add, please share in the comments below!)
Wishing you a happy and productive week ahead!