Stop Doing These 8 Things Now To Live a Full Life
If you’re lucky, you get 4,000 weeks to live on this beautiful blue orb. Stop letting things get in the way of the life you want to live.
“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what is in Fortune’s control and abandoning what lies in yours.” — Seneca
There’s something unsettling that happens when you reach a certain age.
Whether you’re 35 or 85, at some point you start to look back on your life and wonder where it’s all gone.
You see the choices you made, both good and bad, and you can’t help but think about all of the things you wish you could have done differently.
“If only I had _______.”
It’s natural to want to live a full life. To want to look back on your life and be proud of what you accomplished. To know that you made the most of the time you had.
Unfortunately, far too many people never get to experience this type of life satisfaction. They go through their days doing things they don’t enjoy, with people they don’t care for, and never stop to think about what they really want out of life.
If you’re not careful, this is precisely the type of life you’ll end up leading. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
There are things you can do right now to start living a fuller, more satisfying life. Things that will help you make the most of the time you have.
So, what are these things you can do to live the life you want to actually live?
1. Stop living in the past
If you want to live a full life, you need to stop dwelling on the past. This means stop living in regret, stop wallowing in self-pity, and stop trying to relive old glory days.
The past is the past for a reason. It’s over and done with. You can’t change it, no matter how much you might want to.
All you can do is learn from it and move on. Otherwise, you’ll never be able to fully enjoy the present or look forward to the future.
2. Stop worrying about the future
Just as you need to stop living in the past, you also need to stop worrying about the future. This doesn’t mean you should stop planning for the future or preparing for what’s to come.
It just means you shouldn’t spend your entire life worrying about things that may or may not happen. Worrying about what could go wrong or stressing over things that are out of your control.
Remember, the future is not set in stone. It’s always changing and evolving. So, the best you can do is live in the present moment and make the most of it.
3. Stop comparing yourself to others
One of the quickest ways to ruin your life is to start comparing yourself to others. As soon as you do, you’ll find yourself falling into a never-ending spiral of self-doubt and insecurity.
You’ll start to question your worth, abilities, and place in the world. And, before you know it, you’ll be convinced that you’re not good enough.
Not good enough for what? That’s the thing. There’s no specific answer. You’ll just feel like you’re not good enough, period.
The only way to break free from this destructive mindset is to stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on your own journey and what you want to achieve. Be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be.
4. Stop living someone else’s life
One of the most common mistakes people make is living someone else’s life instead of their own.
Maybe you’re doing it because you think it’s what’s expected of you. Or, perhaps you’re doing it because you’re afraid to strike out on your own.
Whatever the reason, it’s not a healthy way to live. You need to find the courage to live your own life, even if it means going against the grain.
Start by figuring out what you want out of life. What are your goals and dreams? What makes you happy? Once you have a good understanding of what you want, start making it happen.
It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
5. Stop taking life for granted
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start appreciating life more.
Too often, we take life for granted. We assume we’ll always have tomorrow, so we don’t bother making the most of today.
But the truth is, we never know what’s going to happen. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
So, instead of waiting for things to happen, start making them happen. Appreciate the good moments and learn from the bad ones. Live each day to the fullest, and don’t take anything for granted.
6. Stop holding onto grudges
If you want to live a full and happy life, you need to learn to let go of grudges. Holding onto anger and resentment will only poison your soul and damage your relationships.
It’s important to forgive others, even if they don’t deserve it. And, it’s just as important to forgive yourself. Stop beating yourself up over your mistakes and learn to move on.
Remember, everyone makes mistakes. What matters is how you learn from them and grow as a result.
7. Stop being afraid to fail
If you’re constantly living in fear of failure, you’re never going to achieve your full potential. You need to be willing to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone.
Yes, you will make mistakes along the way. But that’s okay. Each failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Don’t let your fear of failing hold you back from living your best life. Embrace it and use it as motivation to reach your goals.
8. Stop being afraid to be happy
It’s not uncommon for people to be afraid of happiness. Maybe you’re afraid you won’t deserve it. Or, maybe you’re afraid it won’t last. Or if you accept it, life will punish you with something bad.
These are all common fears, but they’re also irrational. Happiness is a natural emotion, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling it.
In fact, happiness is essential to living a full and meaningful life. So, don’t be afraid to let yourself be happy. Embrace it and enjoy it while it lasts — because life is too short to waste time being anything other than happy.
Get Out Of Your Own Way And Start Living A Better Life
If you want to improve your life, you need to stop holding yourself back. You need to let go of your negative thinking and start making positive changes.
Take baby steps — don’t try to change everything at once. Just focus on one thing at a time and be patient. It takes time to change old habits and create new ones.
But, if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make it happen. You can break free from your negative thinking and start living the life you deserve.
So, what are you waiting for? Get started today and make your life better, one day at a time.