3 Signs You’re Motivated by More Than Money
Are you often told that you must not be working hard enough because you could be making so much more doing something else? You may have found your passion.
For those who find themselves passionate about their work, driven to achieve goals, and always looking for new challenges, it can be frustrating to be told that “money is the only thing that motivates them in their endeavors.”
Yes. Money is necessary to live and achieve certain things in life. But for some people, it’s not the be-all and end-all. Other things drive them.
For some, there is a hidden motivation, a “why” that goes deeper than just the money. If you’re one of these people, you may find that the ultimate achievement you feel at the end of the day has nothing to do with your bank balance.
Wondering if you are motivated by more than just money? Here are three signs that may indicate you’re driven by something else.
1. You’re always looking for new challenges
For those motivated by more than money, the thought of a comfortable 9–5 job with no scope for growth is enough to send them running for the hills. They need to feel challenged in their work to stay engaged.
If you’re always looking for new projects and opportunities to learn, it’s a good indication that you’re motivated by more than just a paycheck.
You enjoy feeling challenged and pushed outside of your comfort zone. It’s what gets you excited about going to work each day.
Do you find yourself saying yes to new opportunities, even if it means a bit of extra work? If so, it’s a good sign that you’re motivated by something that goes beyond a paycheck.
2. You’re driven by a sense of accomplishment
Do you feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when you achieve something? The answer is usually yes for those motivated by more than just money.
They feel driven to achieve their goals, not just for the sake of the monetary reward, but for the sense of accomplishment that comes with it.
If you find yourself working towards goals that are important to you, even if they don’t necessarily have a financial payout, it’s a good indication that you’re motivated by more than money.
You derive a sense of satisfaction from knowing that you’ve achieved something significant.
This feeling of accomplishment can be a great motivator in itself. It’s what drives you to keep going, even when the going gets tough.
3. You’re passionate about your work
When you love what you do, it shows. Your passion for your work is evident in how you talk about it and the effort you put into it.
For those who are motivated by more than just money, their work is a big part of their identity. That doesn’t mean they’re not in it for the money, but it’s not the only thing that drives them.
If you find yourself getting lost in your work and forgetting about the outside world, it’s a good sign that you’re motivated by more than just a paycheck.
Your work is a big part of who you are, and you derive a sense of satisfaction from doing it well.
What Does It Mean?
There’s nothing wrong with being motivated by money.
But if you find that you’re driven by something more profound, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not working hard enough.
In a world plagued by the “work till you die” mentality, it’s important to remember that there are other things that can drive you.
If you’re motivated by a sense of accomplishment, a desire to help others, or a need to feel challenged, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not working hard enough.
You’re doing what you love, and that’s what matters. The rest? That’s just icing on the cake.
What motivates you to chase your goals? Let me know in the comments below!